2012 is over and 2013 has just begun. Let's take a quick review of the year that was, and take a moment to consider the year to come.
The past 12 months has been full of ups and downs, wins and losses, new ideas and old bad habits!
Among the 'wins':
Surviving two Apocalypses - Zombie and Mayan. Yay!
After a rough early part of the year, things have settled down at work. In that time my blood pressure has dropped from a staggering high of 195/130 to 132/85. Coincidence?
Appreciating the kindness of my friends, although I probably don't make this as clear to them as I should.
Getting back in touch with some old friends, both local and international, through Facebook.
Starting a Facebook page for selling my jewellery So Charming
Attending a writers course given by my talented friend, Marianne de Pierres at the State Library.
The ongoing survival of Conquest which seems to be threatening its own demise year by year, but manages to keep struggling on. Well done to all who keep the faith!
Among the 'losses':
15 kilos in 6 months (not all losses are bad!). Some backsliding over the holiday period I must admit! But back onto the right track again from now on.
Having Vampire Wars shut down in December. Thank goodness! I was obsessed! What a gigantic waste of time and effort. Good lesson learned about controlling my obsessive/compulsive impulses!
Loss of $500 by having my credit card skimmed at Southbank Parklands - the funds being withdrawn the same evening in the Philippines! Thanks to ANZ bank for the alert within hours of the transactions and for refunding the funds in full - eventually.
Most painful of all, the loss of our beloved Devon Rex cat, Emma, who didn't quite make it to 19 years. Thanks to the lovely and kind staff of the Cat Clinic at Mt Gravatt on Christmas morning who were gentle and supportive.
The year to come will include some resolutions. This will be a first for me, as I don't really make them usually, but I do see some value in having a focus on goals for the coming year.
First, start a blog (ha!) So that's one completed!
Focus on Ebay and online sales. I've let this slide. I've spent a few months rationalizing my approach and will try some different methods this year.
Consider looking for a new job. While I like what I'm doing now, and really like most of the people I work with, I'm just not making enough money to get by so need to take a practical look at what else is out there. More responsibility and less micro-managing would be great!
I'd like to lose about 30 kilos this year. Should be manageable if I keep focused!
Most of all - STOP PROCRASTINATING! So much in my life needs fixing that it all seems to big to tackle and so I do nothing. Small steps this year, I think.
In short, I'm hoping for a better years, more or less.
More exercise, more online sales, more time with my friends, more activity in general, more keeping in touch with family and friends, more reading, more MONEY!
Less mess in my house! Less weight, less putting things off, less making excuses.
Wish me luck!